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The Full Story




ReFORGED was founded in January of 2023 by Lainey Crown to support our nations heroes and their families by tailoring evidence based practices to their unique culture and situations in order to support their continued performance at the highest levels. 

Lainey Crown

As a seasoned Special Operations spouse, Lainey was frustrated seeing women she supported through her nonprofit work face barriers in their mental health care due to therapists "not getting it." So she went to her husband and told him she was closing her mobile boutique and going back to school. 

In December of 2022, she graduated with her Masters of Education in Counseling and Human Development from Lindsey Wilson College. She is on the leadership team of Special Forces Shield Maidens. She also serves on the Family Health and Wellness Advisory Board and the Suicide Prevention Task Force at The Military Special Operations Family Collaborative. 

She has truly made supporting the mental health of our nations heroes and their families her life's work.

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A mental health professional who understands the unique lifestyle of both the military community and law enforcement professionals. 

Trauma exposures can change the way we see ourselveves and the world around us. I believe in teaching others about the impacts along with strategies to mitigate exposures so they can continue performing at high levles. 

Want to learn more? Check out our workshops or book Lainey for a training session. 

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